Meet the Cast of Macbeth – Part 10

Macbeth opens July 7 and runs through July 23. Tickets available.

Holly Nicola (Witch Team 6/King)

Becoming involved in 2014, after retirement, in theater with Sacramento City College, Holly has since been cast in 12 of its major productions. twice before in its Shakespeare Festival, in The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo. Her first experience in Cannery Row got her hooked! Holly enjoys minor roles and being part of the ensemble. Other productions in which she has been cast include The Great Gatsby, The Music Man, Carrie – the Musical, Miracle on 34th Street and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and two British pantos, Alice in Wonderland and Snow White. Her involvement has increased her appreciation of theater, due to becoming more aware of all the hard work that goes on not only on the stage, but also behind the scenes.

Ollie Stokes (Porter/Young Siward)

Ollie Stokes is a new student at Sac City College, studying theatre. They have previously been in shows such as Carrie the Musical and Much Ado About Nothing at Butte College.


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