• Four people in costume for Macbeth

    Getting closer

    As we inch closer to opening night, very exciting things are happening around the theatre.

    • The final details are almost done on the set.
    • Thrones have been built and just need to be painted. These are going to be stunning.
    • Our props engineer is working hard to provide us with all the detail we need to tell our story…and we love it!
    • The fights have been choreographed and are looking good, thanks to our fight director, David Harris.
    • The witchy devised work and final curtain call is in place and so inspired
    • Costume fittings are happening this week and we can’t wait to see them

    Tickets are available and seem to be flying out the door, so get in on this now as to not miss out. As we’ve mentioned before, we’ve moved into the Art Court Theatre, a smaller location than the Auditorium. We did this as Macbeth is a show that will benefit from a more intimate experience. We are excited to envelop our audience in the world of the play.

    Did I mention sword fighting? And fog?

  • We’re Back…Live and in Person

    We had forty actors audition this year, in person, for our festival.

    March 17, 2020, 1177 days ago, everything shut down. For a couple of months, there was no theatre, anywhere. Then, sometime in May, I think, everyone, everyone started doing Zoom readings of Shakespeare plays online with their friends for their friends. Everyone. Because they could. Because they refused to not do it. And there were no auditions, really, only friends.

    In the fall, people started taking the Zoom thing seriously. Fully produced Zoom plays with memorized lines, maybe, because you couldn’t really tell, for paid tickets on YouTube. You saw your fellow actors when you picked up your green screens, web cameras, and microphones. And then went home and hid in your living for your Zoom performance. For fifteen people in their living rooms.

    And then we all did a whole season of Zoom plays. We saw our fellow actors when we brought back the green screens, webcams, and microphones. Some auditions, on Zoom, not many, mostly the people you knew who were as bored as you were. Will you be in our Zoom play?

    We had forty actors audition this year, in person.

    By the next summer, 2021, 812 days ago now, some people met outside to do Shakespeare, at some social distance, outside, for real cameras that streamed our little performances into 23 homes at a time. We saw our fellow actors, outside only, at a little distance, for the time we were onstage or waiting in the wings. But we did it. Some auditions, on Zoom. Most people we knew.

    And that fall, little by little, with a theatre full of cameras, microphones, mixing boards, and cables, we brought in a few friends as an audience, stepping over the cables, feeling like they couldn’t laugh because we were streaming into homes. And then, finally, we started acting with people on the stage for people in the audience. And one play at a time, we crawled back to some kind of normal.

    We had forty actors audition this year. We couldn’t even use them all. Come see.

  • Macbeth Cast Announced!

    Witha magnificent turnout of amazing actors this year, we have cast our production of Macbeth and are very excited about it.

    Witch 1:                       Gabriela Llarena
    Witch 2:                       McKenna Sennet
    Witch 3:                       Shelby Saumier
    Hecate:                        Joy Gee
    Hecate Witches:         Sinead Kennedy, Angela Rivera
    The 6 Witches: Holly Nicola, Jim Lafierriere, Matthew Malone, Tim Sapunor, Lauren Graffigna, Nicholas Friedrich
    Duncan: Sarah Palmero
    Duncan Attendants:    Sinead Kennedy, Dennis Redpath
    Mac Servant/Msgr:     Phoebe Olson
    Malcolm:   Bethany Wheat
    Donalbain:  Deandre Fritz
    Macbeth:                     Brandon Lancaster
    Lady Macbeth:           Jackie Martin
    Seyton:                        Riley Burke
    Murderer 1:               Riley Burke
    Murderer 2:Jake Brooks
    Murderer 3: Cuautli Quezada-Gardea
    Doctor:Jim Lafierriere
    Gentlewoman:Caylin Bach
    Porter:   Ollie Stokes
    Banquo:Thomas Dean
    Fleance:Deandre Fritz
    MacDuff:Kathleen Poe
    Lady McDuff:Lauren Graffigna
    Lennox:Cuautli Quezada-Gardea
    Ross:Sean Thomas Olivares
    Angus:Petra Tafoya
    Menteith:Jake Brooks
    Caithness:Lauren Ormond
    Banquet Attendants:Angela Rivera, Ollie Stokes, Dennis Redpath, Phoebe Olson, Sinead Kennedy
    Apparition 1:Petra Tafoya
    Apparition 2: Lauren Ormond
    Apparition 3:Dennis Redpath
    Apparition Kings:         Matthew Malone, Sinead Kennedy, Lauren Graffigna, Deandre Fritz, Angela Rivera, Phoebe Olson, Ollie Stokes, Holly Nicola
    Siward:Dennis Redpath
    Young Siward:   Ollie Stokes
    Bloody Sargeant: Riley Burke
    An Old Man: Tim Sapunor
    Act 5 Mac mssgr:Sarah Palmero
    • 2023 Festival is underway

      Back in early May we auditioned for our 57th season of the Sacramento Sacramento Shakespeare Festival. We are so excited to be bringing you “Macbeth” in the Art Court Theatre this year…something we haven’t done in over 3 decades!

      The cast for this year’s festival will be announced on May 30, so stay tuned.

      Tickets are currently available, just click the Tickets page in the menu bar.

      We have some amazing folks working with us to bring the magic to life. We’ve also been documenting our journey so far and will be sharing this with you weekly – behind the scenes, artist interviews, process blogs/vlogs, even a podcast where we explore the magic behind the bard.